The need for young person at work risk assesments

Increasing awareness and competence in the workplace can reduce the risk for young workers. Conducting a thorough risk assessment can be a great start. 

Why A Focus On Young Worker Safety Is Important

According to a report published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 163 young workers below the age of 25 died from work-related injuries over the last decade. The report also stated that workers who talk about these risks are perceived by their workplaces as ‘weak-minded’ and are likely ‘not going to make it’.

But, these injuries are an increase from the previous years and bring into focus the need to make young worker safety a priority—and young person at work risk assessments are a great way to get started.

Why Organisations Need To Improve Their Risk Assessments

Workers under the age of 25 are far more likely to make serious workers’ compensation claims

From 2014 to 2017, 8,129 young workers were injured at work requiring medical/income support

Reducing work-related injuries can boost the Australian economy by $28.6 billion each year

Benefits Of Implementing Risk Assessments For Young Workers

Ensuring the safety of workers isn’t just a legal obligation, employers need to consider their moral obligations as well when managing young workers. A strong young person at work risk assessment can be a great way to achieve this.

young person at work risk assessment

Improve Worker Retention

Today’s young workers expect good working conditions and proper rules and regulations that protect their physical and mental well-being in the workplace. They understand it’s largely the organisation’s responsibility to establish standards and risk assessments. If these standards put their safety at risk, workplaces may experience lower levels of worker retention.

young person at work risk assessment

Avoid Legal & Financial Risks

Lack of proper safety protocols or awareness can lead to substantial fines and legal penalties. Plus, accidents, injuries and fatalities could leave you exposed to lawsuits, insurance payments and decreased productivity. With a proper risk assessment upfront, businesses can avoid these unexpected fees and legal penalties that have the potential to create distrust.

young person at work risk assessment

Reduce Workplace Incidents

Risk assessments are a proactive step that organisations take to make sure they reduce the risk of any workplace injuries or fatalities. These assessments can identify any existing or potential risks that can put a young worker’s safety at risk, taking into consideration factors like inexperience, lack of required skills and physical and psychological immaturity.

young person at work risk assessment

Can Be Used As A Training Tool

Assessments can guide your young worker safety training programs—or help develop one if your organisation doesn’t already have one. Once you’ve identified your risk areas, it’s easier for you to create a program that addresses those areas, making it much more feasible and safe for current and future young workers to stay safe in the workplace with little to no risk.

Work With YouthSafe To Improve Youth Safety

At YouthSafe, we’re on a mission to make sure that every young person has the tools to lead happy and fulfilling lives—safely.

To make this happen, we focus on the four settings in which young people are most likely to be injured; while using roads, at work, playing sports and socialising with friends. We offer a range of programs and resources for parents, supervisors, coaches and youth to make sure that youth safety is maintained in these settings.


Do young person at work risk assessments need to be different to other worker risk assessments?

Yes, a separate risk assessment procedure can go a long way, especially since young workers often lack the experience, skills and maturity level that older, more experienced workers possess. This means that the risks they face are different compared to a seasoned employee.

Should supervisors also be trained to identify these risks?

Yes. Supervisors are an integral part of creating a young person at work risk assessment. They need to understand that young workers require more focused attention since they’re beginning to integrate into the workforce and may need to build up maturity.

Having supervisors involved in the risk assessment stage helps create a better assessment since they are likely to have more insights into the types of risks young workers could face.
