Injury is the leading cause of death and disability of young people in Australia. (AIHW 2011)

Young drivers constitute 15% of all licence holders while being almost 25% of annual road fatalities.
(Transport for NSW 2022)

On average, every 4 minutes and 24 seconds a young person is injured in an Australian workplace.
(Safe Work Australia 2013)

The rate of sports injury hospitalisations is highest in the 18-24 year age group. (AIHW: Kreisfeld et al. 2014)
Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP)
Youthsafe provides the Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP), a state-wide program of Transport for NSW, to help eligible people (over 16 years) to acquire a Learner licence who live in the Local Government Areas of :
Campbelltown | Camden | Penrith | Cumberland
Ryde | Hawkesbury | Ku-ring-gai | Hornsby
Youthsafe partners to prevent the ‘accidental’ injury of young people (14-26 years) where they are most at risk: on roads, in workplaces, playing sport and socialising.
Our evidence-based resources and award-winning face-to-face and online training build the capability of young people and their key adult influencers to achieve safer outcomes.
Who we work With
Areas We Focus On

Youthsafe is committed to improving road safety by supporting novice drivers, their passengers and other road users.
We conduct safety sessions and provide resources to driving course providers, mentors, and Driver Licensing Access Program volunteers.

Youthsafe is committed to enhancing workplace safety cultures by focusing on worker attitudes and behaviour.
We conduct sessions for students transitioning to work, for employees, and for supervisors new to supervising young workers.

Youthsafe supports sports coaches to better engage with teenage
players for retention, wellbeing and enhanced safety.
Coaching Teens is an interactive workshop for coaches of any sport, conducted online or face-to-face, to help improve safety.

Youthsafe helps young people take responsibility for managing social harm.
We provide training and resources for senior students or youth groups on ways young people can proactively plan and manage their widening social lives while keeping safe.

Our Partners
Our Partners
Useful Resources