About Youthsafe

About Youthsafe

About Youthsafe

We all want
young people to live happy, fulfilled and exciting lives free from serious injury. Unfortunately, young people, particularly
those in the
15 to 25
year age group,
are at great risk
of being hurt or
of dying
as a result of unintentional injury.

Youthsafe understands the way
young people think and the unique characteristics
that can increase their injury risk. Youthsafe’s skilled team of health and education professionals work across a number of different settings to create innovative, evidence-based solutions and initiatives to address youth safety.

Youthsafe has been an expert
 in youth safety since 1982. Born of the passionate commitment of Associate Professor
John Yeo – a well-known spinal cord injury specialist – Youthsafe has developed services for those involved with young people in work, road, social & sport/recreational settings to keep them safe and on track for over 30 years.

Youthsafe’s commitment to quality
has been recognised by multiple awards across all service areas for innovative, results-focused solutions for improved safety. All Youthsafe profits are reinvested into our community programs to further secure the safety of
all young people.

We all want
young people to live happy, fulfilled and exciting lives free from serious injury. 

Youthsafe's award-winning programs offer practical tools and provide strength-based strategies to assist young people as well as those in a position of influence in their lives. 

Youthsafe favours evidence-based approaches that create supportive, strong environments to address injury prevention in the context in which that injury occurs. This encourages young people to take safe and calculated risks as well as build capacity and self-efficacy over time.

Youthsafe knows that fear appeals and shock tactics are not effective in stopping young people from taking unsafe risks and won’t lead to positive behaviour change. In addition, using education in isolation of other structural or systemic improvements will not better outcomes for individuals.

Youthsafe partners with government, schools,
business, PARENTS and community organisations to
prevent unintentional injury of young Australians.

We focus on the four settings in which young people
are most likely to be injured:
Using roads  |  At work  |  Playing sport  |   Socialising with friends.
