Safer Steps to Solo Driving: An Essential Guide for Young Learner Drivers

Youthsafe’s latest online resource, ‘Safer Steps to Solo Driving’, is a comprehensive online opportunity to better prepare young learner drivers and their supervising drivers for the challenging and hazardous period they will face as red P plate solo drivers.

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Learn more about Youthsafe’s Safer Steps To Solo Driving online guide

Comprehensive Online Learning for Supervisors and Learners

In Australia, 17 to 25-year-olds make up 15% of licence holders but represent 25% of annual road fatalities.

With these figures in mind, the ‘Safer Steps to Solo Driving’ addresses this issue. Youthsafe recognises that proper education and guidance during the learner phase can significantly reduce the risk of accidents once Red P plates are obtained.

 Supervisors and Learners

Our program addresses common challenges faced by novice drivers and encourages them to confidently and competently manage their driving behaviours as red P plate drivers.

‘Safer Steps to Solo Driving’ is a collaborative tool designed for adult supervising drivers and young learners. The program consists of four steps, each providing valuable insights and actionable tips to maximise the learner phase and ensure a safer transition to solo driving.

Step-by-Step Online Guidance

Step 1

Understanding the Graduated Licensing Scheme

Gain a better understanding of the Graduated Licensing Scheme, including its requirements and benefits for young drivers.

Step 2

Maximising the Learner Phase

Learn effective strategies to make the most of the learner phase, focusing on skill development and safe driving practices.

Step 3

Risk Mitigation for Red P Plate Drivers

Discover practical tips to reduce the risks associated with red P plate driving, ensuring young drivers are well-prepared.

Step 4

Establishing Mutual Agreements

Create mutual agreements between supervising drivers and young learners for the first 12 months before solo driving begins.

Learner Driver Resources

At Youthsafe, we offer a range of resources such as infographics, tips and handbooks for young drivers and their adult influencers to instil a culture of safe driving in youth.

What Our Community Says About Us


Research from NSW indicates that 15- to 25-year-olds have a 75 per cent greater chance of being injured at work


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Research from NSW indicates that 15- to 25-year-olds have a 75 per cent greater chance of being injured at work


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Research from NSW indicates that 15- to 25-year-olds have a 75 per cent greater chance of being injured at work


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At Youthsafe, we believe in empowering young drivers and their supervisors with the knowledge and tools necessary for a safer driving experience. Safer Steps to Solo Driving is an online guide that offers a pathway to building confidence, reducing risks, and promoting responsible driving habits.

Reach out to us today about these essential tools and how young learner drivers can make the most of this critical learning period.


Have more questions about how Youthsafe protects young drivers?
Find out if your questions are answered below.

What are the main risks for new P plate drivers?

The biggest risks for new solo drivers include overconfidence, distractions (especially from mobile phones and passengers), speeding, and driving at night or in poor weather conditions. Inexperience in handling unexpected situations also contributes to higher crash rates among P plate drivers.

Are there any restrictions for P plate drivers in Australia?

Yes, P plate restrictions vary by state but commonly include limits on high-powered vehicles, passenger numbers, mobile phone usage (including hands-free), and blood alcohol concentration. Some states also have curfews or speed limit restrictions for P platers.

What are the most common mistakes made by learner drivers during their driving test?

Common mistakes include failing to check blind spots, inappropriate speed for conditions, not maintaining safe following distances, and errors in parking or three-point turns. Nervousness can also lead to simple errors like forgetting to indicate or misreading road signs.
