The biggest challenges faced by young people in the workplace

From workplace safety to personal development and well-being, young people may face many challenges in the workplace if their safety isn’t prioritised within the organisation.

In Australia, young workers represent a significant portion of the workforce. However, they are disproportionately affected by work-related injuries, with 1 in 5 young workers experiencing such incidents according to figures provided by SafeWork Australia, 2013. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need to address the challenges faced by young Australians in the workplace.

While young workers are responsible for ensuring their own safety, supervisors and managers are equally responsible, and have a significant role in overseeing the safety and development of these young workers. This involves providing appropriate training, ensuring that safety procedures are understood and followed, and fostering a culture of safety within the workplace.

By taking this proactive approach to addressing challenges, organisations can create a safer, more productive environment for young people in the workplace.

Challenges faced by young people in the workplace

Here are a few challenges that young people face in the modern workplace:

Lack of workplace experience

Lack of workplace experience

Many young people entering the workforce lack the experience required to navigate workplaces securely and efficiently. This can include anything from having difficulty with workplace dynamics, struggling to make informed decisions, or understanding security policies that could help avoid injuries.

Limited advancement opportunities

Limited advancement opportunities

Many young Australian workers often face challenges when it comes to advancing their careers due to limited growth opportunities. If they’re unsure about how to develop professionally or don’t feel supported, they could struggle to progress, leading to a sense of stagnation and dissatisfaction.

Work-life balance struggles

Work-life balance struggles

For young workers who are at the beginning of their careers, achieving a healthy work-life balance can be a problem. From long work hours to demanding deadlines and challenging workplace cultures, struggling to strike a balance between work and life could affect their physical and mental well-being.

Physical safety of young workers

Physical safety of young workers

Workplaces that involve a lot of physically demanding work often have numerous health and safety procedures. Without proper training, there could be incidents where young workers are injured in the workplace, which could be avoided with proper preparation by both young workers and supervisors.

What Our Community Says About Us


Research from NSW indicates that 15- to 25-year-olds have a 75 per cent greater chance of being injured at work



Research from NSW indicates that 15- to 25-year-olds have a 75 per cent greater chance of being injured at work


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Make young worker safety a priority in the workplace

Whether you’re a young worker or a supervisor responsible for the safety of your employees, it’s important to understand the challenges faced by young workers in Australia and how to address them to foster a workplace culture that is secure, supportive and rewarding.

At Youthsafe, we believe in investing in the safety of young workers. This is why we work with businesses, governments, and community organisations to promote young worker safety by offering a range of programs.


What workshops do you offer for young worker safety?

We have several programs including:

  • Supervisors and Young Workers’ Workshops
  • Supervising Young Workers’ Online Induction Session
  • Work, Safer Road Use, and You

What is your approach to addressing young worker safety?

We use a holistic approach to safety, development, and well-being. With a range of useful resources and programs, we are dedicated to making youth safety a priority and building a better safety culture.

What should young workers do if they don’t have the necessary tools to overcome challenges?

Ideally, they should voice their concerns to their supervisor or manager and ask about the challenges they’re facing. If young workers are in a situation that requires them to handle machinery or other equipment that requires proper training and safety procedures, it’s always a good idea to speak to a supervisor or senior colleague before engaging in such work.
