Discover how parents can help instil a culture of safety in Australian youth.
Prioritising Youth Safety
The teenage years are some of the most stressful and confusing times for children—and parents who are trying to guide them through life and show them safe ways to explore their newfound independence.
We’ve taken the initiative to make the safety of youth a top priority for both parents and teens by developing a guide with essential strategies and tips to make sure that parents have the tools to help their children navigate this phase of their lives safely.
Why Should Parents Prioritise The Safety Of Youth?
- Over 250 fatal incidents involving kids are recorded each year due to unintentional injuries.
- Over 68,000 Australian children are hospitalised due to unintentional injuries each year.
- Unintentional injuries are the cause of 88% of fatal accidents and 97% of hospitalisations in children.
Steps To Help Parents Prioritise Youth Safety
Parenting is perhaps the most important and toughest job out there, but if you can provide your teen with the foundation to thrive, be safe, and be successful in life, you’ve set a strong foundation to help them navigate the challenges ahead safely.

Getting a Drivers Licence
Teach Safe Driving Habits
What are the steps to getting a NSW driver licence? Here’s what you need to know, from getting your learner licence to a full licence.
Instilling safe driving skills is critical to protecting your children’s safety on the road. By teaching them responsible driving skills and raising awareness of the consequences of unsafe driving, you’re developing safe and conscientious young drivers who aren’t distracted by their mobile phones and who prioritise the safety of themselves and others on the road, helping minimise accidents and consequent injuries.
Road user Handbook
Offer Tips For Safe Socialisation
The Road User Handbook covers the main road rules and requirements for driving on NSW roads..
Youth are always craving social acceptance and parents need to equip them with safe socialisation tips so that they can make responsible choices without giving in to peer pressure. Discussing responsible drinking habits and the effects of drug use helps them make informed decisions. Give them ways to handle peer pressure by empowering them to say no, stick to their boundaries and navigate social situations confidently.

Road Rules
Encourage Safety In Public Spaces
Whether you’re a new driver, in the process of upgrading your licence, or just driving through while temporarily visiting NSW, being familiar with the rules of the road is essential.
Personal safety and situational awareness are two important scenarios that youth need to know in order to ensure their safety in public spaces. Teach them to be aware of their surroundings and avoid risky scenarios. Talk to them about ways they can handle emergencies or dangerous situations like self-defence techniques. These tips help instil resilience and critical thinking that help them navigate the outside world safely.
Driver Knowledge Test (DKT)
Establish Clear Ground Rules
The DKT is the first stage in the licensing process. You must pass the DKT to get your learner driver licence.
Setting up ground rules like curfews and communication schedules is vital in establishing trust with your children. It’s also a good way to develop mutual respect between you and your child. Communication is also important and you should establish clear rules about when you want them to contact you and how often. For instance, ask them to text or call when they’ve reached their destination or if they’re going to be late.

Work With YouthSafe To Improve The Safety Of Young People
At YouthSafe, we’re on a mission to make sure that every young person has the tools to lead happy and fulfilling lives—safely.
To make this happen, we focus on the four settings in which young people are most likely to be injured; while using roads, at work, playing sports, and socialising with friends. We offer a range of youth safety programs and resources to make sure that youth are safe in these settings.
These programs help young people be aware and prepared for any harmful scenarios that could put their safety at risk. It helps them proactively plan and manage their increasing independence by making responsible decisions to safeguard themselves in multiple settings.
Yes. One of the key values that need to be instilled in young people is respect for people from any background, ethnicity, lifestyle, and more. With diversity being a top priority today, young people need to understand how it can impact their integration into society.
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